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Request 1-Stream Panel decoding contest

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Ext. Member
Oct 7, 2019
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Hmmm ....

Are you sure that behind nickname @ovidiu31 is really Ovi ?
Why @redhat , why permanent ban, it's not funny at all :cry:

The dramaturgy of the whole situation has started to develop,
and you interrupted the premiere of the film at a time when it was starting to get more interesting.

Many things remained unsaid and unspoken.

Believe me people :) not everything is as it seems.

You think you're looking at a target, no, it's a fake target.
It's like a military plane throwing baits against air defense missiles.


Hmmm ....

Are you sure that behind nickname @ovidiu31 is really Ovi ?
Why @redhat , why permanent ban, it's not funny at all :cry:

The dramaturgy of the whole situation has started to develop,
and you interrupted the premiere of the film at a time when it was starting to get more interesting.

Many things remained unsaid and unspoken.

Believe me people :) not everything is as it seems.

You think you're looking at a target, no, it's a fake target.
It's like a military plane throwing baits against air defense missiles.
We try to make WOI one mirror or better to say one of the brightest mirrors ... So when someone comes in front of the mirror he sees himself in the best shape or so to speak in the most realistic form and either fix himself or starts blaming the mirror which is wrong and incorrect ...


Ext. Member
Oct 7, 2019
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We try to make WOI one mirror or better to say one of the brightest mirrors ... So when someone comes in front of the mirror he sees himself in the best shape or so to speak in the most realistic form and either fix himself or starts blaming the mirror which is wrong and incorrect ...
Yes, I agree.
I can confirm this from personal experience, because I am someone who once tried to polish that mirror to a brilliant state, it can be said that I was a maniac who chased bad guys and clones :)

But sometimes there is a situation that needs to be peeled to the core,
Sometimes it is a pity to scratch only on the surface and not go all the way.

Sometimes a bad thing needs to be turned into fun,
wit should be added to the discussion, and insults should be answered with smiles and kisses.

Why not, from such situations community members can also learn a lesson, draw a conclusion ...
Let's have fun jokingly to get to the point :)

I never understood people who enter the church with their heads down and their expressions sad.

Hey, the man who goes to God's temple, shouldn't he be happy,
he should enter with his head held high and a big smile on his face.
Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350€ 10Gbps / 350€ 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349€ TG @changglobize
1000 cnx / 500€ 20Gbps / 700€ 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / €980 http://coronaserver.com


Yes, I agree.
I can confirm this from personal experience, because I am someone who once tried to polish that mirror to a brilliant state, it can be said that I was a maniac who chased bad guys and clones :)

But sometimes there is a situation that needs to be peeled to the core,
Sometimes it is a pity to scratch only on the surface and not go all the way.

Sometimes a bad thing needs to be turned into fun,
wit should be added to the discussion, and insults should be answered with smiles and kisses.

Why not, from such situations community members can also learn a lesson, draw a conclusion ...
Let's have fun jokingly to get to the point :)

I never understood people who enter the church with their heads down and their expressions sad.

Hey, the man who goes to God's temple, shouldn't he be happy,
he should enter with his head held high and a big smile on his face.
As you know we are operating with a deficiency of Forum Moderators and other Staff Members that are ready to give their best To keep this Forum at a high level is possible ..
I will share it here for the first time after almost 3 years of activity in this Forum information that Some Staff Members tried in the background to dig into the foundations of this forum to tear it down and one of those foundations is also redhat as owner and CEO calling him by various names and insulting him publicly and secretly .. So I think everyone who is ready to give the best for this Forum is welcome and I think also redhat is not against this ..
So as you know, taking stuff here and deploying it on other Forums is Forbidden, even this Staff Members knowing this, they have Deployed So and so many resources from here to other Forums ..
Maybe someone will think that I have a need to lick Admin for some benefit which is incorrect and honestly I do not have such a goal and need but I want to give my contribution using my position to help more To get the best for something called IPTV ..
anyone who knows me outside of this Forum privately via skype or telegram will confirm this which does not have to prove ..
Like each of you, I have been in this business for a long time and everyone who is honest should confirm that WOI was almost an infusion/vaccine that everyone took after this happened, after the fall of the legendary XC panel, and that through the WOI many unknown kids suddenly became famous and important and from empty pockets, they came to WOI and came out with bags of money and suddenly they started to consider themselves great developers and no one can do anything to them, but in a short time, it seemed that they wandered far back and now the WOI is to blame for them and the WOi should be looking for a solution to their strayness.
So admit your mistakes and come back to WOI and give WOI what it deserves.
I see how someone here is suddenly against cracked things and so on and so forth ..
Imagine the Internet without cracking or the whole world of IT without the possibility of cracking .. I can't for myself ..
How would it be if it were ..
Imagine no crack for windows ...
For office ..
For antivirus programs and things like that
For games
For adobe
Autodesk and so on and so forth ..
So what are you telling us, That you can bring back the water from Niagara Falls? ..
Everyone knows what a Dreambox is, what an emulator is, what an softcam/ cccam is , what an oscam is , what was gbox , mgcamd , multics ..get down on the ground and accept this reality in front of you .. All these are making it possible to be IPTV live and operational , and without this, it will never be operating, not in such dimensions may be only 5% from this stage ..All Chine factories that are producing sat/iptv boxes will not be alive ...So how can you hide all this in front of a 7.5 billion or more population ..How can you stop Aliexpress to sell, what he sells ..
How will operate Google, youtube,facebook, tweeter, and so on..
So stop this discussion you are exposed ...


Ext. Member
Oct 7, 2019
Reaction score
As you know we are operating with a deficiency of Forum Moderators and other Staff Members that are ready to give their best To keep this Forum at a high level is possible ..
I will share it here for the first time after almost 3 years of activity in this Forum information that Some Staff Members tried in the background to dig into the foundations of this forum to tear it down and one of those foundations is also redhat as owner and CEO calling him by various names and insulting him publicly and secretly .. So I think everyone who is ready to give the best for this Forum is welcome and I think also redhat is not against this ..
So as you know, taking stuff here and deploying it on other Forums is Forbidden, even this Staff Members knowing this, they have Deployed So and so many resources from here to other Forums ..
Maybe someone will think that I have a need to lick Admin for some benefit which is incorrect and honestly I do not have such a goal and need but I want to give my contribution using my position to help more To get the best for something called IPTV ..
anyone who knows me outside of this Forum privately via skype or telegram will confirm this which does not have to prove ..
Like each of you, I have been in this business for a long time and everyone who is honest should confirm that WOI was almost an infusion/vaccine that everyone took after this happened, after the fall of the legendary XC panel, and that through the WOI many unknown kids suddenly became famous and important and from empty pockets, they came to WOI and came out with bags of money and suddenly they started to consider themselves great developers and no one can do anything to them, but in a short time, it seemed that they wandered far back and now the WOI is to blame for them and the WOi should be looking for a solution to their strayness.
So admit your mistakes and come back to WOI and give WOI what it deserves.
I see how someone here is suddenly against cracked things and so on and so forth ..
Imagine the Internet without cracking or the whole world of IT without the possibility of cracking .. I can't for myself ..
How would it be if it were ..
Imagine no crack for windows ...
For office ..
For antivirus programs and things like that
For games
For adobe
Autodesk and so on and so forth ..
So what are you telling us, That you can bring back the water from Niagara Falls? ..
Everyone knows what a Dreambox is, what an emulator is, what an softcam/ cccam is , what an oscam is , what was gbox , mgcamd , multics ..get down on the ground and accept this reality in front of you .. All these are making it possible to be IPTV live and operational , and without this, it will never be operating, not in such dimensions may be only 5% from this stage ..All Chine factories that are producing sat/iptv boxes will not be alive ...So how can you hide all this in front of a 7.5 billion or more population ..How can you stop Aliexpress to sell, what he sells ..
How will operate Google, youtube,facebook, tweeter, and so on..
So stop this discussion you are exposed ...

I'm trying to relax the situation, let's all laugh a little.

As for the topic, who stole things from the forum, shared it on other forums or sold it to other people ...
it is known who did it, but it was also the failure of the boss (to recall the situation of a man with white eyebrows who became an administrator overnight and was soon caught in the act),
also now there are those people who take from our forum and carry to others.
At the moment, I know exactly for one person to do that, and who is to blame for the fact that this man is still present on the forum, why he was not banned ...
As I know, and someone who should know, he does not know.
And I always knew a lot more than most staff members, and why?
not because I am very smart, but because I wanted to, I wanted to clean weeds, I did it by sitting day and night and analyzing and crossing the movements of individuals.

I was the first to find out that our site was cloned and informed the community.

As for the topic of moralizing legal or illegal versions of software,
everything is very clear and it is superfluous to comment because we already talked about it when GTA appeared and cried.
Last edited:


Basic Member
Basic Member
Nov 6, 2021
Reaction score
Hi guys,
Since a long time i didn't even have an account on the forum but visited it frequently, then created an account but starting from new account to get "in" the group never found a way to really participate... And this topic actually made me do my first comment...
I agree on the part that "cracking" and other stuff of part (if not one of the core wire of the internet even), but here in the topics for some reason 1-Stream guys/team seems to be personally targeted not only their panel... Why would that be? On top of that i have not seen any contest like this for other panels... Why that as well? There is plenty of panels and mods out there and getting some of them decoded would bring a lot more to the community imo than 1-stream...

I personally have not tested their panel because it is way beyond my financial power (ye am a poor guy) but they provided a lot better work than many others and for some reasons other get not issues...

Not here to defend 1-stream (even if as a guy from ExYu i'm always happy to see people from there managing to do good stuff), but i still think some kind of balance should be done, and also going into personal attacks shouldn't be the way to go...

I want to offend no one here, but it seems things escalated and took directions they maybe shouldn't have...

Pretending to follow the rules of the free web but locking and "selling" knowledge and ressources... And on the other hand "stealing/cracking" from others and attacking his own when they share else were... It is weird to witness this kind of "double scale" and changing points view...

(maybe my idea to comment and first comment like this isn't the smartest idea... But hehey guided on emotions... Love each other and don't jump over the fence of personal life... And try to keep the balance if you open a chalange for 1-stream do the same for others, it makes no sense to do it only for this panel...)
Channels MatchTime Unblock CDN Offshore Server Contact
100 cnx / 90€ 5Gbps / 180€ 48CPU-256GRAM 10Gbps 569€ Skype live:giefsl
500 cnx / 350€ 10Gbps / 350€ 48CPU-128GRAM 5Gbps / 349€ TG @changglobize
1000 cnx / 500€ 20Gbps / 700€ 40CPU-128GRAM 20Gbps / €980 http://coronaserver.com


Staff member
Chief Moderator
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
Hi guys,
Since a long time i didn't even have an account on the forum but visited it frequently, then created an account but starting from new account to get "in" the group never found a way to really participate... And this topic actually made me do my first comment...
I agree on the part that "cracking" and other stuff of part (if not one of the core wire of the internet even), but here in the topics for some reason 1-Stream guys/team seems to be personally targeted not only their panel... Why would that be? On top of that i have not seen any contest like this for other panels... Why that as well? There is plenty of panels and mods out there and getting some of them decoded would bring a lot more to the community imo than 1-stream...

I personally have not tested their panel because it is way beyond my financial power (ye am a poor guy) but they provided a lot better work than many others and for some reasons other get not issues...

Not here to defend 1-stream (even if as a guy from ExYu i'm always happy to see people from there managing to do good stuff), but i still think some kind of balance should be done, and also going into personal attacks shouldn't be the way to go...

I want to offend no one here, but it seems things escalated and took directions they maybe shouldn't have...

Pretending to follow the rules of the free web but locking and "selling" knowledge and ressources... And on the other hand "stealing/cracking" from others and attacking his own when they share else were... It is weird to witness this kind of "double scale" and changing points view...

(maybe my idea to comment and first comment like this isn't the smartest idea... But hehey guided on emotions... Love each other and don't jump over the fence of personal life... And try to keep the balance if you open a chalange for 1-stream do the same for others, it makes no sense to do it only for this panel...)

As a new member you should first of all introduce your self instead of getting involved in topics that you don't understand and don't know the background. I won't explain everything again and again here, I don't have the time to waste it !

This topic is now closed here ! The contest is still valid. So if some one was able can contact me per DM
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