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Download PurpleIPTV Player(new release) + Onepanel 1.4 + All Themes v5.5 v1.4

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I apologize if there is anything misspelled, I had to use Chatgpt to translate this.

I will help you build your IPTV app using the latest version 5.5 of PURPLE IPTV PLAYER base. Actually, it's not complicated at all. I'll just explain how to connect it to your ONEPANEL API by changing only three URLs in the app.

1.-Well, I use the tool: APK EDITOR STUDIO: https://qwertycube.com/apk-editor-studio/ (it's free)
(NP Manager or MP manager can be quite boring).
2.-You will also need Onepanel v1.4 (I will include it in the download link :D).

Very well, before we start, when you download the APK STUDIO, you must configure it so that the app makes its own signatures with the data you want. To do this, go to: Settings ---> Options ----> Apksigner, and follow the instructions.

When you open APK Studio and select the APK that you downloaded from IPTV PURPLE PLAYER v5.5 (https://api.blue.cc/uploads/clentwvbl00121etyd83zbaof/app-PurpleIPTVFlavour-armeabi-v7a-release.apk), once the app extraction is finished, go to the top section and select "Tools ---> Search in project --->", and search for this URL:


Once you have found it, you have to delete everything in that string ("https://endpoint.purpletv.app/***/v6.json") and replace it with your Onepanel domain, for example:

Replace with:

You will find 3 files with the URL that I mentioned before, which you will replace...

Okay, there is one more thing left to do now. In the onepanel/purple/12/ folder, you need to edit the api.php file and modify line 7. This line should be the same as that of your app so that it does not unexpectedly close:


smali_classes4/gn/a.smali ---> row#9

Also, edit line #86 of api.php and add the name of your app ("header_value": "Name of your App",). Remember to also change the name of the app in the api.php file.

Similarly, you should also edit the 1.php file in the onepanel/purple/12 folder, and modify line 121 with this code:

Linea 121:
"theme_change_layout": "L1,L2,L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,L12,L13,L14,L15,L16,L17,L18,L19,NUL",

This will enable most of the themes in the app....

Liena 227 and 231:
        "theme_defult_layout": "L14",
        "theme_color_1": "   #000000",
        "theme_color_2": "   #FFFFFF",
        "theme_color_3": "   #",
        "theme_change": "true"

You can also define a default theme (I recommend L14) and whether you want your users to be able to change it from the app in lines #227 and #231.

You can modify everything else to your liking, images, logo, background, etc.

I apologize if I wasn't clear. Currently, this is the method that I use for Purple Player, and it works in all apps of Purple Player... <3
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