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Wowza Streaming Engine 4.7.8 Fully Cracked and works great with lots of features 4.7.8

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Crack Features:

Maximum Connections: Unlimited

Maximum Incoming Streams: Unlimited

Transcoder Streams Available: Unlimited (NVEC and Intel Quick Sync)

Transcoder Watermark: No

nDVR Available: Yes

DRM Available: Yes

HTTP Origin Available: Yes

Push Publish Available: Yes

Version: Wowza Streaming Engine™ 4.7.8


Wowza Streaming Engine Crack is robust, customizable, and scalable media server software that powers reliable streaming of high-quality video and audio to any device, anywhere. Wowza Streaming Engine 4.7.8 Crack contains several fixes and enhancements that help to improve the functionality of the media server software.

Support for CMAF

Wowza Streaming Engine Crack now also supports Common Media Application Format (CMAF), the open, extensible standard that enables efficient streaming using the HLS and MPEG-DASH protocols. Wowza Streaming Engine Crack can deliver both single and adaptive bitrate HLS and MPEG-DASH live streams using the single new cmafstreamingpacketizer, which wraps stream segments in the fMP4 container format and delivers streams over HTTP/1.1. For more information about using CMAF in Wowza Streaming Engine Crack, see any of these technical articles:

About CMAF workflows in Wowza Streaming Engine

Stream using CMAF with Wowza Streaming Engine

Configure CMAF live streaming packetization in Wowza Streaming Engine

Create adaptive bitrate CMAF streams using Wowza Streaming Engine

Stream using a CMAF live stream repeater in Wowza Streaming Engine

Deliver HLS live streams using CMAF and HEVC with Wowza Streaming Engine

Updated the BouncyCastle version to bcprov-jdkon-160.jar to get the latest security updates

Changed the download link in the “Update” dialogue to go directly to the download and added a link to the release notes

Fixed an issue with the thumbnailer that caused artifacts in the thumbnail image if the frame being thumbnailed was corrupted in some way

Fixed an issue where thumbnails generated using the ThumbnailsUtil API could generate thumbnails from multiple different input streams

Added a new property (name: transcoderThumbnailerReuseSession, type: Boolean, location: VHost.xml) that, when set to the default value (true), results in the transcoder using a pool of thumbnail encoders. Resources are cleared between each request, but may be shared between streams. If false, the transcoder uses a new thumbnail encoder for each thumbnail request which may result in a degredation of performance under heavy load

Added support for HTTP/2 over TLS enabled host ports through TLS Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation

Added support for mapping domain to keystores for SSL certificates on WebRTC

Replaced Winstone with Apache Tomcat 9.0 as the servlet container in Wowza Streaming Engine Manager

Replaced Oracle Java SE JRE 1.8.0_77 with OpenJDK Java SE JRE 9.0.4

Support for Low-Latency HLS

Wowza Streaming Engine Crack can now produce Low-Latency HLS live streams. Low-Latency HLS streams conform to Apple’s preliminary protocol extension to the HLS spec.

Wowza Streaming Engine Crack generates Low-Latency HLS streams using the CMAF packetizer, which, in addition to generating CMAF segments, also generates smaller units of content called chunks. These CMAF-compliant chunks double as partial segments for Low-Latency HLS streaming. As a result, you can use the CMAF packetizer to generate Low-Latency HLS streams that use the fMP4 container format and are delivered to players over HTTP/2.

For more information about Low-Latency HLS, see our technical article Deliver Apple Low-Latency HLS live streams using Wowza Streaming Engine.

You can also find information about both CMAF and Low-Latency HLS in the article Understanding protocols and formats supported by Wowza Streaming Engine.

Stream Targets (Push Publishing)

Fixed an issue where restarting an Akamai HLS (cupertino) stream target also restarted the chunk IDs the target assigns to the chunks it pushes, resulting in chunks being pushed with the same chunk IDs as those previously pushed

Fixed an issue with cupertino stream targets that caused an incorrect EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE tag value to be reported after a live packetizer restart or after a stream restart with http.playlistAcrossSessions:true defined for the target

Fixed the frequency of a Wowza Streaming Cloud REST API call by Wowza CDN stream targets

Fixed an issue with Akamai HLS/DASH/HDS stream target where an exception occured if both the http.playlistAcrossSessions target property was set true and destinationServer (or legacy akamai.destinationServer) was set to “redundant”

Live Stream Encoding, Transcoding, and Transrating

Changed the Dolby codec description for E-AC-3 in HLS master playlists from “e-ac-3” to “ec-3”

Live Stream DVR Playback (Wowza nDVR)

Added a new live stream packet sorter to resolve out-of-order packets within the audio or video track.

The new sorter, com.wowza.wms.stream.live.LiveReceiverPacketSorter2, is enabled by default for DVR recording when sorting is enabled via the dvrPacketSortTime property

Added a new DVR property (dvrPacketSorterClass) to specify which packet sorter should be used (com.wowza.wms.stream.live.LiveReceiverPacketSorter2 or com.wowza.wms.stream.live.LiveReceiverPacketSorter)

Now a custom packet sorter that implements the ILivePacketSorter interface can be provided


Fixed an issue where SRT streams with the Mediacaster didn’t notify stream targets correctly

Added the srtDataTimeout SRT stream file parameter to enable you to specify how long to wait before closing an SRT socket connection when data is no longer being received. The srtDataTimeout parameter can be configured in Wowza Streaming EngineCrack Manager or by editing the .xml files directly


Fixed an issue where using a custom chunk ID handler for MPEG-DASH live streaming resulted in an error and failed playback

Improved handling of application restarts while MPEG-DASH DVR playback sessions are in progress, especially HTTP origin mode

HLS, Low-Latency HLS , and CMAF

Enabled EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY and EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY-SEQUENCE tags by default. Removed the cupertinoEnableDiscontinuity and cupertinoEnableDiscontinuitySeq properties

Removed usage of the cupertinoPlaylistHostProtocol property. The HTTP scheme is now determined based on the scheme used in the request. It’s nearly impossible to change from http to https on the same port, so it won’t work if it doesn’t match the request

Added the EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY tag when stream mode changes

Fixed an issue with HLS HE-AAC (v1 & v2) playback and removed the detectAACExtension server property because it’s no longer needed

Added support for CMAF packaging for DASH playback

Added support for CMAF packaging for HLS playback

Added the following features to support Apple’s preliminary protocol extension for Low-Latency HLS (Preliminary Specification) with CMAF

Added support for generation of CMAF partial segments

Added support for blocking playlist reloads for segments and partial segments

Added support for the EXT-X-SERVER-CONTROL tag

Added support for push promise, partial segment, and segment playlist request query parameters, as defined in the specification
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